
There are 71999 companies placed in Sheffield.
The biggest ones are: Ernest V. Waddington Limited (worth GBP 34839302), Mhh Contracting Limited (valued GBP 10444153) and Zootech Limited (worth GBP 6785630).

Among the most experienced companies in the city, we can name The Lower Norwood Co-Operative Building Company Limited founded 162 years 6 months 5 days ago (worth GBP 0), Reigate Stock Share And Estates Company Limited registered 154 years 4 months 7 days ago (priced GBP 0) and Meersbrook Bowling Club Limited(The) established 140 years 3 months 2 days ago (valued GBP 95445).
By the end of the year, 11306 new companies are supposed to be founded in this city, taking into account the 1968 businesses registered so far and 5596 set up last year.

The most popular post codes in Sheffield:

S11 9PS
Companies found: 3562
S11 9PA
Companies found: 2035
S1 3FZ
Companies found: 1003
S9 4WG
Companies found: 820
S1 2JA
Companies found: 722
S10 2NH
Companies found: 713
S9 1XU
Companies found: 695
S11 8FT
Companies found: 657
S11 8YZ
Companies found: 508
S3 7BS
Companies found: 473
S9 3QA
Companies found: 462
S2 4FA
Companies found: 452
S2 4HJ
Companies found: 437
S8 0TB
Companies found: 421
S1 1WF
Companies found: 381
S25 3QY
Companies found: 318
S4 7WW
Companies found: 318
S20 1ED
Companies found: 303
S12 3GL
Companies found: 293
S9 1XH
Companies found: 293
S8 0XF
Companies found: 288
S10 5BY
Companies found: 282
S2 5SY
Companies found: 278
S1 2BJ
Companies found: 267
S11 8TD
Companies found: 260
S21 4FX
Companies found: 251
S2 4ER
Companies found: 243
S35 2XH
Companies found: 242
S1 2GU
Companies found: 234
S9 2RX
Companies found: 226
S35 2PH
Companies found: 225
S3 8GG
Companies found: 223
S2 4SW
Companies found: 219
S1 4RE
Companies found: 215
S3 8DG
Companies found: 215
S2 5QS
Companies found: 206
S1 1WR
Companies found: 201
S8 9QR
Companies found: 182
S9 3HF
Companies found: 176
S10 2GB
Companies found: 170
S4 7JY
Companies found: 169
S2 1AS
Companies found: 168
S10 2PD
Companies found: 166
S6 1TE
Companies found: 163
S6 4JW
Companies found: 153
S3 8DT
Companies found: 150
S2 4DH
Companies found: 140
S11 8HW
Companies found: 138
S9 1BX
Companies found: 135
S20 2QT
Companies found: 131

Number of companies situated in Sheffield compared with other cities in the UK.

Net worth comparison of Sheffield's companies.

Some companies are bigger than the others. How much bigger? Take a look a the chart below to see the difference between the biggest companies in Sheffield.

New companies

There were 0 companies created yesterday, out of which were created in Sheffield.

The biggest companies in Sheffield: