BizDb is a place, where you can find all official information concerning companies in the United Kingdom. Search for a specific business or a group of companies by using the filter on the right. Choose the options relevant for your research to get a list of businesses meeting your requirements. Indicate the company name, its category, status or SIC Code to find desired enterprises. They can also be selected by a town in which they are located or by a post code. If your company check refers to businesses meeting some financial criteria, you can easily search for them by adjusting the range of net worth, total assets or total fixed assets. You can also browse the enterprises by their age.
The list of results shows the companies in relation to your requirements. Click the name of achosen business to get an instant and free access to its full data, including general information about its activity, business description, financial data and personal information about its current and past senior staff. BizDb also provides companies' account documents, annual reports and other filings submitted by UK enterprises. If you need to visit a selected company, you can easily find the way thanks to the map and street view presented on the top of every company's page.