S3 8DG

Basic information

Northing 388533
Easting 434660
Grid Reference SK346885
City/Town Sheffield
Latitude 53.392503
Longitude -1.480277
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County South Yorkshire
The S3 8DG post code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.392503 latitude and -1.480277 longitude. The OS grid reference for the post code is SK346885 (434660,388533). There are 216 businesses registered in the post code. The closest restaurant is Make No Bones and it is situated 0.001 mile from the post code. You can visit the nearest post office - Upperthorpe, located at 147 Upperthorpe Road, South Yorkshire. If you have to go to the closest bank, try Lloyds Bank at 14 Church Street, only 0.904 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try The Diner, the closest one within a distance of 0.111 mile. The Diner is located at Neepsend Lane. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is The Gardeners Rest and it is located at Gardeners Rest. The Gardeners Rest bar is only 0.099 mile from the post code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 14 Church Street
Santander University of Sheffield Students Union
Lloyds Bank 1 High Street
Santander Telegraph House
Metro Bank 58-64 Fargate

Restaurants nearby

Make No Bones Unit 4a
Church Temple of Fun Unit 4A
Edo Sushi Cutlery Works
Medieval Mayhem Toledo Works
Slap and Pickle

Takeaways nearby

The Diner
Rad Dude Cutlery Works
Hungry Ape Unit 15-16 Steel Yard
The Hungry Wolf
Charley's Takeaway

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Gardeners Rest Gardeners Rest
Heist Craft Ltd
Pop Bar Cutlery Works
Booze Hound Cutlery Works
The Sheffield Brewery Company Ltd Unit 111, J C Albyn Complex

The biggest companies: