The S8 0XF postcode, introduced on 2004-01-01, can be found at 53.358403 latitude and -1.478858 longitude. The OS grid ref for this postcode is SK347847 (434782,384740).
There are 289 businesses situated within this postcode.
The closest restaurant is called Virgin Active - Sheffield (Elior) and it is placed 0.094 mile from this postcode. You can use the closest post office - Nether Edge Road, situated under the following address: 529-531 Abbeydale Road, South Yorkshire.
If you need the closest bank, go to Lloyds Bank at 771 Abbeydale Road, only 0.499 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Nevertheless Cakes, the closest one within a distance of 0.115 mile. Nevertheless Cakes is situated under the following address: 352 Abbeydale Road. If you seek the closest bar, its name is Heeley Swimming Pool and it is situated under the following address: Heeley Baths. Heeley Swimming Pool bar is only 0.052 mile from this postcode.