S3 8DT

Basic information

Northing 387819
Easting 435653
Grid Reference SK356878
City/Town Sheffield
Latitude 53.38602
Longitude -1.465426
Date Introduced 2005-04-01
County South Yorkshire
The S3 8DT post code, implemented on 2005-04-01, can be found at 53.38602 latitude and -1.465426 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. post code is SK356878 (435653,387819). There are 150 businesses registered under the a.m. post code. The nearest restaurant is called Autograph Foods and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. post code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Sheffield City, located under the following address: C/O Wilkinsons Store 1St Floor, 36 Haymarket, South Yorkshire. If you have to go to the nearest bank, go to Halifax at 30/34 High Street, only 0.253 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Albies, the nearest one within a distance of 0.08 mile. Albies is located under the following address: 22 Snig Hill. If you want to visit the most adjacent bar, its name is The Hop Box Ltd Tap & Barrell and it is located under the following address: Tap And Barrel. The Hop Box Ltd Tap & Barrell bar is just 0.084 mile from the a.m. post code.

Banks nearby

Halifax 30/34 High Street
Santander Telegraph House
NatWest 42 High Street
Lloyds Bank 1 High Street
Lloyds Bank 14 Church Street

Restaurants nearby

Autograph Foods Riverside East 2
Yes2Ventures Ltd
Refresh UK Borders Agency Vulcan House
Caffe Tassili
Anne's Catering Services Sheffield Magistrates Court

Takeaways nearby

The New Trawlers Catch
1986 The Kebab Kafe
My Chicken Express
Montego Bay

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Hop Box Ltd Tap & Barrell Tap And Barrel
Hen and Chickens
Meltdown Bar Formerly Under The Board Walk
Bassbox Formerly The Boardwalk
The Big Gun Limited

The biggest companies: