S6 4JW

Basic information

Northing 389496
Easting 432959
Grid Reference SK329894
City/Town Sheffield
Latitude 53.401267
Longitude -1.505753
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County South Yorkshire
The S6 4JW post code, implemented on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.401267 latitude and -1.505753 longitude. The OS grid reference for this post code is SK329894 (432959,389496). There are 155 firms located within this post code. The nearest restaurant is Holme Lane Deli and it is placed 0.001 mile from this post code. You can visit the closest post office - Hillsborough, located at 60 - 70 Middlewood Road, 60 - 70 Middlewood Road, South Yorkshire, South Yorkshire. If you have to go to the nearest bank, visit Halifax at 34/36 Middlewood Road, only 0.231 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try Anais Pizza, the nearest one within a distance of 0.016 mile. Anais Pizza is located at 118 Holme Lane. If you feel like visiting the closest bar, its name is Sport Shack 3 and it is located at Former 12. Sport Shack 3 bar is only 0.231 mile from this post code.

Banks nearby

Halifax 34/36 Middlewood Road
Barclays Bank 2 Middlewood Road
NatWest 72 Middlewood Road
HSBC 503 Langsett Road
Virgin Money 157 Bradfield Road

Restaurants nearby

Holme Lane Deli
Tow Sure Products Ltd
Base Camp Cafe

Takeaways nearby

Anais Pizza
Golden City
Hillsborough Chinese
Sweet Panda

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Sport Shack 3 Former 12
Northern Monkey Craft Ale and Gin Bar
Malin Bridge Inn
Riverside Freemasons Arms
La Plata Social Club

The biggest companies: