
There are 145891 companies situated in Glasgow.
The greatest of them are: Lochlane Investments Limited (worth GBP 58296416), Tky Group 2 Ltd (valued GBP 18050002) and Broomcroft Limited (worth GBP 13511471).

Among the longest-operating companies in the city, we can name The Institution Of Engineers In Scotland founded 153 years 5 months 28 days ago (worth GBP 0), Royal Glasgow Institute Of The Fine Arts. registered 145 years 5 months ago (priced GBP 0) and William Collins Sons & Company Limited established 145 years 19 days ago (valued GBP 0).
By the end of the year, 97182 new companies are supposed to be created in the city, given the 9892 businesses registered by now and 12004 started last year.

The most popular post codes in Glasgow:

G2 4JR
Companies found: 9218
G2 1BP
Companies found: 2418
G1 3NQ
Companies found: 2301
G3 7SP
Companies found: 1643
G2 1QX
Companies found: 1191
G2 2LB
Companies found: 1111
G2 2ND
Companies found: 1099
G3 7JT
Companies found: 1034
G2 2QZ
Companies found: 708
G41 3JA
Companies found: 687
G5 0YE
Companies found: 684
G32 8FH
Companies found: 670
G65 0NH
Companies found: 660
G2 4BG
Companies found: 651
G12 8HN
Companies found: 640
G76 7HU
Companies found: 628
G2 2SZ
Companies found: 617
G2 2BX
Companies found: 604
G41 1HJ
Companies found: 588
G2 4TP
Companies found: 579
G2 6HJ
Companies found: 536
G3 7PY
Companies found: 533
G3 8HB
Companies found: 526
G2 6PH
Companies found: 521
G2 5JF
Companies found: 480
G1 2PS
Companies found: 458
G51 2JA
Companies found: 451
G3 7NG
Companies found: 448
G3 7PR
Companies found: 438
G2 8JX
Companies found: 424
G3 8AU
Companies found: 422
G1 2PP
Companies found: 400
G1 3LN
Companies found: 396
G3 7SL
Companies found: 369
G41 2AN
Companies found: 366
G1 3DX
Companies found: 363
G3 7LW
Companies found: 354
G2 5HF
Companies found: 345
G2 2LW
Companies found: 344
G2 5SG
Companies found: 334
G2 7DA
Companies found: 332
G5 0ND
Companies found: 326
G3 7QL
Companies found: 319
G66 1HN
Companies found: 316
G3 7RH
Companies found: 310
G20 7PZ
Companies found: 309
G4 9XA
Companies found: 305
G11 6AA
Companies found: 305
G41 2LL
Companies found: 300
G2 5UB
Companies found: 298

Number of companies situated in Glasgow compared with other cities in the UK.

Net worth comparison of Glasgow's companies.

Some companies are bigger than the others. How much bigger? Take a look a the chart below to see the difference between the biggest companies in Glasgow.

New companies

There were 0 companies created yesterday, out of which were created in Glasgow.

The biggest companies in Glasgow: