G2 2LB

Basic information

Northing 665545
Easting 258749
Grid Reference NS587655
City/Town Glasgow
Latitude 55.862334
Longitude -4.258513
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Scotland
The G2 2LB zip code, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 55.862334 latitude and -4.258513 longitude. The OS grid ref for this zip code is NS587655 (258749,665545). There are 1150 companies situated in this zip code. The nearest restaurant is called KPMG (Restaurant Associates) and it is placed 0.001 mile from this zip code. You can use the nearest post office - Sauchiehall Street, located at 177 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Strathclyde. If you seek the nearest bank, try Tsb at 180 West George Street, only 0.044 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Diana's City Sandwich, the nearest one within a distance of 0.057 mile. Diana's City Sandwich is located at 95 West Regent Street. If you need the nearest bar, its name is Saint Vincent's and it is located at 142 St Vincent Street. Saint Vincent's bar is just 0.032 mile from this zip code.

Banks nearby

TSB 180 West George Street
Santander 2
Bank of Scotland Grosvenor Centre 76 Gordon Street
Clydesdale Bank 120 Bath Street
Leeds Building Society 182 Hope Street

Restaurants nearby

KPMG (Restaurant Associates)
Le Bistro Beaumartin

Takeaways nearby

Diana's City Sandwich
City Sandwich
Social Bite
Juice Garden
Baguette Express

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Saint Vincent's
Lloyds No. 1 Bar ( Society Rooms)
Blue Dog
NYC Bar And Grill
The Merchant

The biggest companies: