This company called Pinamar was established on 27th June 1969 as a Private Limited Company. This enterprise's head office could be reached at Glasgow on Greenlaw Works Suite 1.06, Greenlaw Way, Newton Mearns. In case you need to contact this business by mail, its post code is G77 6EF. The office registration number for Pinamar Limited is SC046713. This enterprise's registered with SIC code 77400 which stands for Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyright works. 2022-08-31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
Taking into consideration this specific company's executives list, since 28th December 2011 there have been two directors: Ciro R. and Giuseppina R.. In addition, the managing director's duties are backed by a secretary - Giuseppina R., who joined this specific business on 23rd November 2011.
Executives with significant control over the firm are: Ciro R. has substantial control or influence over the company. Giuseppina R. has substantial control or influence over the company.