G3 8AU

Basic information

Northing 665676
Easting 257167
Grid Reference NS571656
City/Town Glasgow
Latitude 55.863043
Longitude -4.283837
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
The G3 8AU postcode, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 55.863043 latitude and -4.283837 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. postcode is NS571656 (257167,665676). There are 423 companies situated under the a.m. postcode. The nearest restaurant is called Cross Enterprise and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. postcode. You can use the most adjacent post office - Sandyford, situated at 1195 Argyle Street, Glasgow, Strathclyde. If you need the nearest bank, try Rbs at 9 Clifton Place, only 0.297 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, go for Hal's Food Co, the nearest one within a distance of 0.083 mile. Hal's Food Co is situated at 1009 Argyle Street. If you seek the most adjacent bar, its name is Taphouse Bar And Kitchen and it is situated at 1046 Argyle Street. Taphouse Bar And Kitchen bar is only 0.119 mile from the a.m. postcode.

Banks nearby

RBS 9 Clifton Place
Clydesdale Bank 1 Woodside Crescent
Bank of Scotland 174 Byres Road
Bank of Scotland 174 Byres Road
Nationwide 290 Byres Road

Restaurants nearby

Cross Enterprise
Glasgow Minerva Way Fitness and Wellbeing Gym
Joia Italian Restaurant And Bar
The Finnieston

Takeaways nearby

Hal's Food Co
Soula Cafe

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Taphouse Bar And Kitchen
The Dirty Duchess
The Grove

The biggest companies: