G2 6PH

Basic information

Northing 665382
Easting 258757
Grid Reference NS587653
City/Town Glasgow
Latitude 55.860873
Longitude -4.2583
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Scotland
The G2 6PH zip code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 55.860873 latitude and -4.2583 longitude. The OS grid reference for the a.m. zip code is NS587653 (258757,665382). There are 518 businesses located under the a.m. zip code. The closest restaurant is Mezcal and it is located 0.012 mile from the a.m. zip code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Hope Street, located at 47 Hope Street, Strathclyde. If you have to go to the closest bank, go to Santander at 2, Bothwell Street, only 0.019 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Social Bite, the closest one within a distance of 0.037 mile. Social Bite is located at 103 St Vincent Street. If you are looking for the most adjacent bar, its name is Ad Lib and it is located at 111 Hope Street. Ad Lib bar is only 0.061 mile from the a.m. zip code.

Banks nearby

Santander 2
Bank of Scotland Grosvenor Centre 76 Gordon Street
The Co-operative Bank 29 Gordon Street
TSB 85 St Vincent Street
TSB 180 West George Street

Restaurants nearby

Staff Restaurant (Baxter Storey Scotland)
Central Sushi
63rd And 1st - Bar/Restaurant

Takeaways nearby

Social Bite
Baguette Express
Pizza Crolla
Got The Munchies
Temaki And Donburi

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Ad Lib
The Toby Jug
Saint Vincent's
Molly Malone's
The Horseshoe Bar

The biggest companies: