
We collected data about 96333 companies situated in Liverpool.
The largest are: Bps Developments Limited (worth GBP 20840505), Crp Print & Packaging Limited (valued GBP 17000000) and Dexton Ltd (worth GBP 15000000).

Among companies with the longest experience in the city, we can name Liverpool Law Society founded 155 years 2 months 6 days ago (worth GBP 0), Liverpool Commercial Sale-Room Company Limited registered 146 years 2 months 24 days ago (priced GBP 1183741) and The Liverpool And Glasgow Association For The Protection Of Commercial Interests As Respects Wrecked And Damaged Property Limited established 143 years 22 days ago (valued GBP 0).
By the end of the year, 5632 new companies are supposed to be founded in this city, taking into account the 716 businesses registered by now and 8639 started last year.

The most popular post codes in Liverpool:

L18 1DG
Companies found: 3215
L3 5NW
Companies found: 2058
L15 5AN
Companies found: 1532
L2 5RH
Companies found: 1432
L3 9LQ
Companies found: 1400
L19 0NQ
Companies found: 1287
L3 9AG
Companies found: 953
L24 9HJ
Companies found: 931
L3 1BP
Companies found: 928
L1 5JW
Companies found: 909
L1 0BG
Companies found: 828
L3 4BJ
Companies found: 719
L3 9QJ
Companies found: 718
L2 9TL
Companies found: 700
L2 3YL
Companies found: 649
L1 3DN
Companies found: 498
L24 8RL
Companies found: 431
L1 6AF
Companies found: 421
L2 2QP
Companies found: 408
L1 0AH
Companies found: 401
L33 7UY
Companies found: 400
L3 9HF
Companies found: 395
L25 7RJ
Companies found: 389
L17 8UR
Companies found: 384
L1 9ER
Companies found: 355
L23 3AT
Companies found: 351
L3 1QH
Companies found: 349
L25 0LQ
Companies found: 348
L5 9PR
Companies found: 346
L7 4JQ
Companies found: 346
L15 4HN
Companies found: 343
L1 5DW
Companies found: 342
L3 9NG
Companies found: 326
L1 4AR
Companies found: 321
L2 0NE
Companies found: 319
L2 5QQ
Companies found: 313
L33 7TX
Companies found: 309
L15 5AF
Companies found: 309
L1 3DZ
Companies found: 299
L3 1HU
Companies found: 298
L8 0QF
Companies found: 297
L1 0AB
Companies found: 267
L1 5AS
Companies found: 265
L1 5BL
Companies found: 263
L3 6BN
Companies found: 263
L2 3AB
Companies found: 252
L20 8LZ
Companies found: 251
L7 4JG
Companies found: 250
L2 3PF
Companies found: 247
L31 2HB
Companies found: 239

Number of companies situated in Liverpool compared with other cities in the UK.

Net worth comparison of Liverpool's companies.

Some companies are bigger than the others. How much bigger? Take a look a the chart below to see the difference between the biggest companies in Liverpool.

New companies

There were 243 companies created yesterday, out of which were created in Liverpool.

The biggest companies in Liverpool: