L3 4BJ

Basic information

Northing 388023
Easting 334934
Grid Reference SJ349880
City/Town Liverpool
Latitude 53.38503
Longitude -2.979712
Date Introduced 1991-09-01
County Merseyside
The L3 4BJ zip code, established on 1991-09-01, can be found at 53.38503 latitude and -2.979712 longitude. The OS grid reference for the zip code is SJ349880 (334934,388023). There are 740 companies reported in the zip code. The closest restaurant is Liverpool coffee Roasters Ltd and it is situated 0.001 mile from the zip code. You can use the nearest post office - Dingle, situated under the following address: C/O B And M Stores, Park Road, Merseyside. If you seek the closest bank, visit Halifax at 30 Bold Street, only 1.32 miles away. When you need a takeaway, go for Portlands Pizza, the closest one within a distance of 0.332 mile. Portlands Pizza is situated under the following address: 135 Sefton Street. If you need the nearest bar, its name is The Mosley Arms and it is situated under the following address: 156 Mill Street. The Mosley Arms bar is only 0.457 mile from the zip code.

Banks nearby

Halifax 30 Bold Street
Lloyds Bank 88-94 Church Street
Santander 84
Metro Bank 15 Paradise Street
The Co-operative Bank 1-3 Parker Street

Restaurants nearby

Liverpool coffee Roasters Ltd 203 Summers Road
Bean Machine Coffee Limited 101A Summers Road
The Meeting Place 104 Tower Street
Yellow Sub Cafe Yellow Sub, Dempster Building Atlantic Way
Delifonseca Dockside Ltd Delifonseca Brunswick Way

Takeaways nearby

Portlands Pizza 135 Sefton Street
Portland Pizza 135 Sefton Street
Portland Pizza 135 Sefton Street
Portland's Pizza and Fish & Chips 135 Sefton Street
Lockharts 43 Warwick Street

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Mosley Arms 156 Mill Street
Herculaneum Bridge 30 Herculaneum Road
The Yacht Club Bar & Restaurant Harbourside Marina And Club Coburg Wharf
The Coburg 1 - 3 Stanhope Street
Baltic Market Baltic Market Stanhope Street

The biggest companies: