Ashbury Holdings Limited may be found at Po Box 58, Ashbury House in Liverpool. Its area code is L19 9WX. Ashbury Holdings has existed on the market since the firm was registered in 2002. Its registration number is 04565042. The enterprise's SIC code is 64209 and has the NACE code: Activities of other holding companies n.e.c.. The latest accounts describe the period up to Fri, 30th Sep 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was released on Mon, 16th Oct 2023.
According to the latest data, there seems to be only a single managing director in the company: Kenneth C. (since 2002-10-16). The following firm had been directed by Philip L. till 2012.
The companies with significant control over this firm include: Ashbury Properties owns over 3/4 of company shares. This business can be reached in Liverpool at Po Box 58, L19 9WX and was registered as a PSC under the reg no 09814827.