The L3 1BP post code, introduced on 2011-07-01, can be found at 53.403433 latitude and -2.993476 longitude. The OS grid reference for that post code is SJ340900 (334047,390083).
There are 1631 businesses reported within that post code.
The closest restaurant is Framework Coffee and it can be found 0.01 mile from that post code. You can use the closest post office - Corn Exchange, located at the following address: India Building, Water Street, Merseyside.
If you have to go to the closest bank, go to Lloyds Bank at Merchants Court, only 0.238 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Ddc Coffee, the closest one within a distance of 0.049 mile. Ddc Coffee is located at the following address: Dockside Dining Club. If you feel like visiting the closest bar, its name is Dockside Dining and it is located at the following address: 11A Mann Island. Dockside Dining bar is only 0.017 mile from that post code.