The Imperial Property Company (liverpool) Limited is a Private Limited Company, that is located in 1 Derby Buildings, Wavertree Road, Liverpool. The head office's zip code L7 3ES. This enterprise operates since 1993/04/14. The firm's Companies House Registration Number is 02808937. This firm's SIC code is 68209 and their NACE code stands for Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. Saturday 30th April 2022 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
The information we have related to this particular company's MDs indicates that there are five directors: Michael M., Danielle S., David M. and 2 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of our website who assumed their respective positions on 2023/07/11, 1993/04/30. Additionally, the managing director's efforts are often helped with by a secretary - Danielle S., who was officially appointed by this company in 2023.