The L20 8LZ post code, registered on 1999-12-01, can be found at 53.439379 latitude and -2.996799 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. post code is SJ338940 (333882,394085).
There are 285 businesses situated under the a.m. post code.
The nearest restaurant is called Fletcher's Rest and it is located 0.137 mile from the a.m. post code. You can use the most adjacent post office - Stanley Road, located at 59 Stanley Road, Merseyside.
If you seek the nearest bank, go to Hsbc at 197 Stanley Road, only 0.718 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Dee-Lish, the nearest one within a distance of 0.054 mile. Dee-Lish is located at 139 Derby Road. If you are looking for the most adjacent bar, its name is Liverpool Brewing Company and it is located at 39 Brasenose Road. Liverpool Brewing Company bar is just 0.316 mile from the a.m. post code.