
BizDb presents you with 213197 companies registered in Manchester.
The largest ones are: 07733392 Limited (worth GBP 2499991258), Dr. P Pharma Ltd (valued GBP 100000000) and Rbc Capital Ltd (worth GBP 50000000).

Among the most experienced companies in the city, we can name Manchester Law Society(The) founded 153 years 6 months 8 days ago (worth GBP 0), Fallowfield Bowling And Lawn Tennis Club Limited registered 153 years 2 months 17 days ago (priced GBP 309098) and Prestwich Liberal Club Building Co Limited established 146 years 10 months 19 days ago (valued GBP 1473201).
By the end of the year, 14206 new companies are supposed to be established in this city, taking into account the 4361 businesses registered so far and 19549 set up last year.

The most popular post codes in Manchester:

M2 4NG
Companies found: 3454
M4 6DE
Companies found: 3121
M1 2JQ
Companies found: 2934
M40 8BB
Companies found: 2284
M40 9WB
Companies found: 2109
M45 6AT
Companies found: 1927
M1 3BE
Companies found: 1767
M2 3WQ
Companies found: 1679
M12 6AE
Companies found: 1584
M3 4LY
Companies found: 1336
M14 7DS
Companies found: 1216
M25 9WS
Companies found: 1167
M40 8WN
Companies found: 1164
M15 4PN
Companies found: 1106
M3 3HF
Companies found: 1064
M2 3HZ
Companies found: 1060
M21 7SA
Companies found: 1044
M3 7BG
Companies found: 1020
M24 2LX
Companies found: 923
M2 3NG
Companies found: 893
M2 3BD
Companies found: 893
M26 1LS
Companies found: 879
M12 6JH
Companies found: 846
M20 6RE
Companies found: 789
M2 1EW
Companies found: 759
M3 2PJ
Companies found: 699
M3 2HW
Companies found: 699
M3 3EB
Companies found: 660
M2 3DE
Companies found: 654
M3 5FS
Companies found: 631
M14 5HF
Companies found: 605
M1 3LZ
Companies found: 598
M25 0DB
Companies found: 592
M2 4WQ
Companies found: 591
M28 3NJ
Companies found: 584
M20 2DW
Companies found: 583
M25 1PY
Companies found: 572
M2 4LQ
Companies found: 568
M15 4JE
Companies found: 547
M1 4EX
Companies found: 536
M16 0LN
Companies found: 532
M2 4WU
Companies found: 523
M22 5TG
Companies found: 517
M25 9NX
Companies found: 509
M43 6PW
Companies found: 504
M24 6DP
Companies found: 484
M4 5DL
Companies found: 478
M1 4HT
Companies found: 471
M25 0JW
Companies found: 467
M25 9JY
Companies found: 457

Number of companies situated in Manchester compared with other cities in the UK.

Net worth comparison of Manchester's companies.

Some companies are bigger than the others. How much bigger? Take a look a the chart below to see the difference between the biggest companies in Manchester.

New companies

There were 216 companies created yesterday, out of which were created in Manchester.

The biggest companies in Manchester: