M40 9WB

Basic information

Northing 401921
Easting 386978
Grid Reference SD869019
City/Town Manchester
Latitude 53.513808
Longitude -2.197842
Date Introduced 1994-05-01
County Lancashire
The M40 9WB zip code, established on 1994-05-01, can be found at 53.513808 latitude and -2.197842 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. zip code is SD869019 (386978,401921). There are 2113 businesses situated in the a.m. zip code. The closest restaurant is called La Buka African Cuisine Ltd and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. zip code. You can use the nearest post office - Moston Lane, situated under the following address: 293 Moston Lane, Greater Manchester. If you have to go to the closest bank, visit Lloyds Bank at 276 Moston Lane, only 0.044 mile away. When you feel like a takeaway, try The Ben Chippy, the closest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. The Ben Chippy is situated under the following address: 314 Moston Lane. If you need the nearest bar, its name is Lightbowne Social Club and it is situated under the following address: 18 Kenyon Lane. Lightbowne Social Club bar is only 0.084 mile from the a.m. zip code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 276 Moston Lane
Barclays Bank 369 Moston Lane
RBS 1051 Oldham Road
Lloyds Bank 64 Old Church Street
NatWest 354a Hollinwood Avenue

Restaurants nearby

La Buka African Cuisine Ltd
Ma 'A Heleine
Simpson Memorial Community Association
Drip Kitchen
The Village Cafe

Takeaways nearby

The Ben Chippy
Pizza Planet
Pizza Planet
Pizza Planet
The Ben Chippy

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Lightbowne Social Club
Mowers Arms
Bluebell Hotel
St. Luke's Social Club St Lukes Lightbowne Mens Socia
The Old Loom

The biggest companies: