M3 4LY

Basic information

Northing 397613
Easting 383381
Grid Reference SJ833976
City/Town Manchester
Latitude 53.474984
Longitude -2.251854
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
The M3 4LY postcode, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.474984 latitude and -2.251854 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. postcode is SJ833976 (383381,397613). There are 1361 firms situated within the a.m. postcode. The closest restaurant is called Beehive Food and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. postcode. You can use the closest post office - Manchester Mount Street, located at the following address: Town Hall Annex, Mount Street Wing, Albert Square, Greater Manchester. If you need the closest bank, visit Allied Irish Bank at Four Hardman Street, only 0.328 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try The Fish Hut, the closest one within a distance of 0.055 mile. The Fish Hut is located at the following address: 27 Liverpool Road. If you seek the closest bar, its name is The Knott and it is located at the following address: 374 Deansgate. The Knott bar is just 0.001 mile from the a.m. postcode.

Banks nearby

Allied Irish Bank Four Hardman Street
HSBC 4 Hardman Square
Barclays Bank Barclays Wealth
Coutts Ground Floor
NatWest 182 Deansgate

Restaurants nearby

Beehive Food
Cibo Manchester also T/a Sassu

Takeaways nearby

The Fish Hut
Hot Food Bar
Sandwich Bar
Eastgate Cafe Eastgate

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Knott
Atlas Bar Cafe
The Deansgate
The Deansgate
Lock 91 Lock Keeper`s Cottage

The biggest companies: