M4 5DL

Basic information

Northing 398684
Easting 384736
Grid Reference SJ847986
City/Town Manchester
Latitude 53.484652
Longitude -2.231492
Date Introduced 2001-06-01
The M4 5DL postal code, introduced on 2001-06-01, can be found at 53.484652 latitude and -2.231492 longitude. The OS grid reference for the postal code is SJ847986 (384736,398684). There are 484 businesses registered in the postal code. The closest restaurant is Olive Express and it is situated 0.001 mile from the postal code. You can visit the nearest post office - Great Ancoats Street, located at the following address: 57 Great Ancoats Street, Greater Manchester. If you have to use the closest bank, go to Santander at 130, Market Street, Piccadilly Gardens, only 0.312 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for La Rosa Pizza, the closest one within a distance of 0.061 mile. La Rosa Pizza is located at the following address: 36-38 Great Ancoats Street. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is Crown and Kettle and it is located at the following address: Crown And Kettle. Crown and Kettle bar is just 0.044 mile from the postal code.

Banks nearby

Santander 130
Nationwide 39 Piccadilly
Halifax 5 Piccadilly
Skipton Building Society 128 Market Street
Yorkshire Bank 48-50 Market Street

Restaurants nearby

Olive Express Express Building
Off The Press One Express
Bem Brasil
Kettlebell Kitchen Ltd Unit 5, Nuovo Building
Ning Restaurant

Takeaways nearby

La Rosa Pizza
Golden Tandoori
Hola Hola
New Chop Chop
New York Pizza and Grill

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Crown and Kettle Crown And Kettle
Frog & Bucket Comedy Club Frog And Bucket
Bar Fringe

The biggest companies: