There are 92965 companies registered in Leicester.
The greatest are: Hammond Grange Limited (worth GBP 27961357), Om Properties Investment Company Limited (valued GBP 27321357) and Slawston Limited (worth GBP 22653678).
Among the most experienced companies in the city, we can name Consumer Credit Trade Association founded 133 years 5 months 12 days ago (worth GBP 0), Mappin & Webb Limited registered 127 years 4 months 30 days ago (priced GBP 10) and I S F Group Limited established 122 years 11 months 27 days ago (valued GBP 2134193).
By the end of the year, 6166 new companies are supposed to be created in the city, taking into account the 2755 businesses registered so far and 8265 started last year.
Some companies are bigger than the others. How much bigger? Take a look a the chart below to see the difference between the biggest companies in Leicester.
There were 0 companies created yesterday, out of which were created in Leicester.