SO52 9LU

Basic information

Northing 119634
Easting 438967
Grid Reference SU389196
City/Town Southampton
Latitude 50.974809
Longitude -1.446362
Date Introduced 1986-01-01
County Hampshire County
The SO52 9LU postal code, implemented on 1986-01-01, can be found at 50.974809 latitude and -1.446362 longitude, in Hampshire County county. The OS grid reference for this postal code is SU389196 (438967,119634). There are 104 firms registered in this postal code. The nearest restaurant is T Cup Cafe and it is placed 0.276 mile from this postal code. You can visit the nearest post office - North Baddesley, situated at the following address: Botley Road. If you have to go to the nearest bank, try Coutts at 3 Hampshire Corporate Park, only 2.867 miles away. When you seek a takeaway, try Hong Kong Takeaway, the nearest one within a distance of 0.137 mile. Hong Kong Takeaway is situated at the following address: 7 Seymour Parade. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is The Bedes Lea and it is situated at the following address: Bedes Lea. The Bedes Lea bar is just 0.213 mile from this postal code.

Banks nearby

Coutts 3 Hampshire Corporate Park
Nationwide 33 The Hundred
Barclays Bank Branch - Romsey
NatWest 27 Market Place
Santander 14

Restaurants nearby

T Cup Cafe All Saints Church And Hall
Water Margin The Water Margin
Beadle's 19 Fleming Avenue
Bella Vita 120 Botley Road
Amazacake Unit 46

Takeaways nearby

Hong Kong Takeaway 7 Seymour Parade
Sheung Moon 94 Botley Road
Chunkys 15 Fleming Avenue
Pipasa Balti 27 Fleming Avenue
Darley-Smith Kitchen LTD 22 Premier Way

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Bedes Lea Bedes Lea
Luctonians Sports Club Warren Farm
Luzborough House Luzborough Lane
Romsey Golf Club Ltd Romsey Golf Club
Bluebell Cuisine At Romsey Golf Club Romsey Golf Club