
BizDb presents you with 50631 companies operating in Southampton.
The greatest ones are: Doeflex Limited (worth GBP 18298225), Zenetta Capital Limited (valued GBP 10000000) and Marie James (Uk) Limited (worth GBP 7669251).

Among the most experienced companies in the city, we can name W.r.holden & founded 117 years 28 days ago (worth GBP 0), Stoneham Golf Company,Limited(The) registered 116 years 5 months 13 days ago (priced GBP 0) and Walpole Hall,Limited established 116 years 4 months ago (valued GBP 26015).
By the end of the year, 17037 new companies are supposed to be established in this city, given the 1310 businesses registered so far and 3840 started last year.

The most popular post codes in Southampton:

SO14 3TJ
Companies found: 1660
SO15 2EA
Companies found: 1091
SO14 2AQ
Companies found: 752
SO15 2DP
Companies found: 550
SO15 0HW
Companies found: 540
SO17 1XS
Companies found: 501
SO14 3HA
Companies found: 436
SO15 2NP
Companies found: 304
SO14 5FE
Companies found: 273
SO15 2BG
Companies found: 266
SO31 7EH
Companies found: 264
SO50 9PD
Companies found: 255
SO14 6UY
Companies found: 231
SO14 6RG
Companies found: 230
SO15 1GA
Companies found: 226
SO32 1EE
Companies found: 220
SO15 2DG
Companies found: 210
SO16 7JQ
Companies found: 194
SO14 3XB
Companies found: 190
SO15 1JR
Companies found: 188
SO19 6DN
Companies found: 185
SO15 2EP
Companies found: 183
SO40 9DS
Companies found: 179
SO15 3FG
Companies found: 178
SO15 3FL
Companies found: 177
SO15 2EZ
Companies found: 175
SO14 2DH
Companies found: 173
SO40 2NA
Companies found: 172
SO31 4RA
Companies found: 161
SO14 6QZ
Companies found: 156
SO31 1BB
Companies found: 154
SO18 2LR
Companies found: 150
SO19 9BA
Companies found: 142
SO14 3EX
Companies found: 139
SO14 3TG
Companies found: 130
SO15 2AN
Companies found: 129
SO16 7NP
Companies found: 125
SO14 3LA
Companies found: 120
SO15 2EW
Companies found: 119
SO14 2BT
Companies found: 118
SO15 2LF
Companies found: 113
SO15 1RJ
Companies found: 112
SO45 1DD
Companies found: 111
SO30 3FG
Companies found: 110
SO31 4RF
Companies found: 109
SO31 7ED
Companies found: 107
SO15 2BH
Companies found: 105
SO19 7PE
Companies found: 104
SO14 3FD
Companies found: 103
SO52 9LU
Companies found: 103

Number of companies situated in Southampton compared with other cities in the UK.

Net worth comparison of Southampton's companies.

Some companies are bigger than the others. How much bigger? Take a look a the chart below to see the difference between the biggest companies in Southampton.

New companies

There were 0 companies created yesterday, out of which were created in Southampton.

The biggest companies in Southampton: