The company named Zsazseva was established on May 28, 2013 as a Private Limited Company. This firm's registered office can be contacted at Aberdovey on Wayside, Rhoslan. If you have to reach the firm by mail, the post code is LL35 0NS. The company registration number for Zsazseva Limited is 08545951. This firm's principal business activity number is 47640 and has the NACE code: Retail sale of sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles. Zsazseva Ltd reported its account information for the financial year up to 2022/05/31. The business most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/02/15.
At the moment, the directors chosen by the following business are: Simon H. formally appointed in 2023 in September and Penelope E. formally appointed in 2013.
Penelope E. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.