This Dyfi Yard Repairs Limited company has been operating on the market for twenty years, as it's been founded in 2005. Registered with number 05517072, Dyfi Yard Repairs is categorised as a Private Limited Company located in The Boat Yard, Penrhos, Gwynedd LL35 0RY. This firm's principal business activity number is 45200 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. 2022-03-31 is the last time the accounts were filed.
With regards to the following company, the full extent of director's obligations have so far been carried out by Robert O. who was arranged to perform management duties in 2005 in July. Since 2005 Hugh H., had performed the duties for this company until the resignation in 2024.
Executives who have control over the firm are as follows: Hugh H. owns 1/2 or less of company shares. Robert O. owns 1/2 or less of company shares.