2016 is the date that marks the beginning of X-fun Ltd, a firm which is situated at 85 Boundary Road, , Hove. This means it's been nine years X-fun has been on the British market, as it was created on 2016-12-07. The company's Companies House Reg No. is 10515426 and its area code is BN3 5TD. This enterprise's principal business activity number is 56101 meaning Licensed restaurants. X-fun Limited released its account information for the period up to Saturday 31st December 2022. The most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on Friday 18th November 2022.
Presently, this specific limited company is directed by just one director: Chenchen L., who was assigned this position in 2016.
Chencheng L. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.