This enterprise called 29 Warleigh Road Brighton was registered on 30th January 2012 as a Private Limited Company. This firm's head office can be gotten hold of in Brighton on 10 Station Road, Portslade. When you want to contact this business by mail, its postal code is BN41 1GA. The official registration number for 29 Warleigh Road Brighton Limited is 07929373. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 99999, that means Dormant Company. 29 Warleigh Road Brighton Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period up to 2023/01/31. Its most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/01/30.
Given the company's size, it became necessary to appoint new executives, among others: Michael E., Christo C., Abigail C. who have been aiding each other since January 2012 to fulfil their statutory duties for the following limited company.