Tick Tock Unlock Limited is located at Leeds at 6-7 Park Row. Anyone can look up this business by referencing its post code - LS1 1NX. This company has been in the field on the UK market for 12 years. This business is registered under the number 08797697 and their current state is active. The firm's declared SIC number is 93290: Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.. Tick Tock Unlock Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-04-30. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2022-11-13.
The trademark number of Tick Tock Unlock is UK00003203127. It was submitted in December, 2016 and it registration process ended successfully by IPO in March, 2017. The enterprise will use this trademark till December, 2026.
When it comes to this business, all of director's tasks have so far been fulfilled by Samrien H. who was appointed in 2013. That business had been managed by Ali S. up until 2022.