This particular Sx Realisations Limited company has been operating offering its services for at least ninety nine years, as it's been founded in 1926. Started with Registered No. 00217571, Sx Realisations is categorised as a Private Limited Company with office in Ernst & Young Cloth Hall Court, West Yorkshire LS1 2JN. The firm now known as Sx Realisations Limited was known under the name Silver Cross until 1999/11/05 at which point the business name was replaced. The company's declared SIC number is 3650 meaning Manufacture of games and toys. Sx Realisations Ltd released its latest accounts for the period up to 1997-09-27. The firm's most recent annual return was released on 1998-04-30.
Our database that details this specific company's management reveals that there are three directors: Guy H., Sara B. and Harry M. who assumed their respective positions on 1998/11/26, 1998/08/04 and 1998/07/16. To find professional help with legal documentation, this particular firm has been utilizing the skills of Guy H. as a secretary since September 1998.