Mtier Limited with the registration number 06569719 has been competing in the field for 16 years. This particular Private Limited Company can be contacted at 20-22 Wenlock Road, in London and its postal code is N1 7GU. This firm's SIC code is 62020 which stands for Information technology consultancy activities. Its latest financial reports were submitted for the period up to July 31, 2022 and the latest confirmation statement was filed on July 22, 2023.
Considering this specific firm's growing number of employees, it was unavoidable to formally appoint more executives: Adrian H. and Reiner J. who have been participating in joint efforts for 16 years to fulfil their statutory duties for this specific company. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, this specific company has been utilizing the skills of Adrian H. as a secretary since the appointment on 2008-04-18.