Millsons Ltd with Companies House Reg No. 05323822 has been competing in the field for 19 years. This particular Private Limited Company is located at 62 Woodfall Avenue, , Barnet and their post code is EN5 2HA. The firm currently known as Millsons Ltd, was previously listed as Icommunica. The change has occurred in 2014/08/29. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 63110 which means Data processing, hosting and related activities. Its most recent financial reports describe the period up to 2023-01-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-08-26.
The information describing the following company's MDs indicates there are four directors: Peter N., Tony M., Gbolahan B. and Olanrewaju F. who were appointed to their positions on 2022/04/06, 2021/08/01 and 2021/07/01. To provide support to the directors, the company has been using the skills of Douglas R. as a secretary since 2007.