This business operates under the name of Gipsy Lane Dental Limited. This firm first started seventeen years ago and was registered under 06443245 as the registration number. The headquarters of this company is located in Leicester. You can reach it at 47 Gipsy Lane. seventeen years from now the company changed its business name from Gypsy Lane Dental to Gipsy Lane Dental Limited. The firm's declared SIC number is 86230: Dental practice activities. Gipsy Lane Dental Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period up to 2022-03-31. The most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2022-12-03.
One of the tasks of Gipsy Lane Dental is to provide health care services. It has one location in Leicestershire County. The company subsidiary in Leicester has operated since 2012/07/04, and provides dental services. The company caters for the needs of all the patients in the country. For further information, please call the following phone number: . All the information concerning the firm can also be obtained on the phone number: 01162681444or on the company's website The firm joined HSCA on 2011-10-04. As for the medical procedures included in the offer, the centre provides patients with diagnosis, screening, surgeries, treatment of diseases, disorders and injuries.
On 2017/06/09, the firm was looking for a Trainee Dental Nurse to fill a full time post in the medical industry in Leicester, Midlands. They offered a full time job with salary from £10920 to £14625 per year. The offered position required entry level employee experience and a GCSE. Gipsy Lane Dental required workers with less than one year of professional experience. All the applications should include reference id TDN3.
For this particular firm, a variety of director's obligations have been carried out by Reena B. and Amit B.. Within the group of these two people, Amit B. has managed firm the longest, having been one of the many members of the Management Board since 2007-12-03.