This company is registered in Leicester under the ID 06885280. It was registered in the year 2009. The office of this firm is situated at 2 Doncaster Road . The post code for this place is LE4 6JH. It is known under the name of Doncaster Road Dental Practice Limited. However, this firm also was registered as Smiles Leicester until the name was replaced 11 years ago. This enterprise's SIC code is 86230 meaning Dental practice activities. 31st March 2023 is the last time the accounts were filed.
One of the tasks of Doncaster Road Dental Practice is to provide health care services. It has one location in Leicestershire County. The company subsidiary in Leicester has operated since September 15, 2011, and provides dental services. The company caters for the needs of children under the age of 18, patients with dementia and those with learning disabilities or autistic disorders. For further information, please call the following phone number: 01162661145. The firm joined HSCA on 2011-09-15. As for the medical procedures included in the offer, the centre provides patients with diagnosis, screening, surgeries, treatment of diseases, disorders and injuries.
On March 14, 2018, the enterprise was looking for a Dental Receptionist to fill a full time post in the medical industry in Leicester, Midlands. They offered a full time job with salary £15600 per year. In order to apply for the post, the candidates were supposed to contact the company at the following email address:
The directors currently chosen by the following limited company include: Anilkumar B. assigned this position in 2021 in October and Urvi B. assigned this position in 2021 in October.