Getlink Projects 2 started its operations in 2023 as a Private Limited Company registered with number: 15001715. This business has operated for two years and it's currently active. This company's registered office is situated in Folkestone at Uk Terminal. You could also locate this business utilizing its post code, CT18 8XX. The enterprise's SIC code is 41100 meaning Development of building projects.
Geraldine P. is the following company's single director, that was chosen to lead the company two years ago. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this specific firm has been utilizing the expertise of Claire P. as a secretary since the appointment on 2023/07/13.
The companies that control this firm include: Getlink Projects 1 Limited owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business can be reached in London at Kingdom Street, W2 6BD, Kent and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 14998725.