Located in Uk Terminal, Ashford Road, Kent CT18 8XX Eurotunnel Trustees Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company issued a 03599754 registration number. The company was established twenty seven years ago. It began under the name Panlion, but for the last 27 years has been on the market under the name Eurotunnel Trustees Limited. The firm's registered with SIC code 74990 which means Non-trading company. The business latest annual accounts describe the period up to 2021-12-31 and the most current confirmation statement was released on 2023-08-11.
This company has a solitary director presently controlling this particular limited company, namely Jacques G. who's been executing the director's duties since Friday 17th July 1998. Since Thursday 1st January 2009 Nicholas H., had fulfilled assigned duties for the following limited company up until the resignation in April 2020. In addition a different director, specifically Terry R. resigned in January 2009.