Faringdon 54 Ltd is a Private Limited Company, with headquarters in 54 Farringdon Street in London. The head office's postal code is EC1A 2BP. The company has been registered in year 2017. The Companies House Reg No. is 10797700. This firm's principal business activity number is 56101 and their NACE code stands for Licensed restaurants. Faringdon 54 Limited filed its account information for the period up to Tue, 29th Mar 2022. The most recent confirmation statement was released on Tue, 28th Feb 2023.
At present, there is a single managing director in the company: Charalambos G. (since April 1, 2024). The following firm had been directed by Anthony H. till 2024. Furthermore a different director, including Charalambos G. gave up the position on March 30, 2020.
Charalambos G. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.