This company known as 00339806 was founded on 1938-04-30 as a Private Limited Company. This firm's head office can be gotten hold of in London on Pricewaterhousecoopers, Plumtree Court. Should you have to get in touch with this firm by mail, its postal code is EC4A 4HT. The company reg. no. for 00339806 Limited is 00339806. This firm's SIC code is 4521 and their NACE code stands for Gen construction & civil engineer. 00339806 Ltd released its latest accounts for the period up to 2001-04-30. The company's most recent annual return was filed on 2002-11-15.
The following firm owes its achievements and permanent improvement to a team of four directors, namely Frank D., David T., Bjarne P. and Alexander B., who have been managing it since 1999.