09768641 is a reg. no. for Direct Pump Services Limited. The firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2015-09-09. The firm has been operating in this business for nine years. This company could be contacted at Greens Ltd Lincoln Road Cressex Business Park in High Wycombe. The headquarters' post code assigned is HP12 3RQ. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 96090: Other service activities not elsewhere classified. The business latest annual accounts were submitted for the period up to 2022-09-30 and the most recent confirmation statement was released on 2022-09-08.
The company owes its success and permanent growth to two directors, who are Michael S. and Charles W., who have been managing the firm since 2015-09-09.
Executives who control the firm include: Michael S. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Charles W. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.