City Temple Urc is a business registered at EC1A 2DE London at City Temple. The company was formed in 2013 and is registered as reg. no. 08357702. The company has been on the British market for twelve years now and company last known state is active. The business name of the company got changed in 2013 to City Temple Urc. The company previous business name was Holborn Community Church. This business's SIC code is 94910 which stands for Activities of religious organizations. Its latest annual accounts were submitted for the period up to 31st December 2022 and the most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 31st January 2023.
The enterprise was registered as a charity on 15th March 2013. It operates under charity registration number 1151257. The geographic range of the enterprise's activity is and it operates in different locations around City Of London. City Temple Urc concentrates on training and education, training and education, the sphere of religious activities. It strives to support other charities or voluntary organisations, the general public, other charities or voluntary organisations. It provides aid to the above beneficiaries by the means of acting as an umbrella company or a resource body, providing various services and providing advocacy, advice or information. In order to learn more about the company's undertakings, dial them on the following number 02075835532 or go to their official website.
Regarding to this specific firm, all of director's assignments have so far been met by Winston W., Marcos R., Donald M. and 2 other directors who might be found below. As for these five people, Rodney W. has been with the firm for the longest time, having been a vital addition to officers' team for 12 years. In order to help the directors in their tasks, the firm has been utilizing the skills of Olusina A. as a secretary since the appointment on July 15, 2018.