Centre For Medieval And Renaissance Studies Limited can be contacted at Oxford at St Michael's Hall. You can look up this business using the area code - OX1 2DP. Centre For Medieval And Renaissance Studies's incorporation dates back to year 1975. This firm is registered under the number 01234758 and company's status at the time is active. The company's SIC code is 85421 which means First-degree level higher education. Its most recent filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 31st August 2022 and the most recent confirmation statement was released on 18th June 2023.
For this firm, a number of director's duties have been executed by Carlos V., Stephen C., Ian A. and Paul M.. Out of these four people, Paul M. has carried on with the firm for the longest period of time, having become one of the many members of officers' team on April 2019.