Sarah Lawrence At Oxford can be found at Wadham College, Parks Road in Oxford. Its post code is OX1 3PN. Sarah Lawrence At Oxford has existed on the British market since the company was started in 2006. Its Companies House Registration Number is 05679963. The enterprise's registered with SIC code 85421 which means First-degree level higher education. 2022-07-31 is the last time the accounts were reported.
The enterprise was registered as a charity on 2006-06-07. Its charity registration number is 1114590. The range of the enterprise's activity is not defined. and it works in numerous cities around Throughout England And Wales, United States Of America and Oxfordshire. As concerns the charity's financial summary, their most prosperous time was in 2009 when their income was 697,000 pounds and they spent 691,662 pounds. Sarah Lawrence At Oxford concentrates its efforts on education and training and education and training. It tries to support children or young people, youth or children. It tries to help these beneficiaries by the means of providing buildings, open spaces and facilities and providing buildings, facilities or open spaces.
Due to the following company's growing number of employees, it became imperative to choose more directors, among others: Andrew K., Cristle C., Kanwal S. who have been supporting each other since September 2024 to fulfil their statutory duties for the limited company.