This enterprise referred to as 2020log 4 was registered on 1996-10-30 as a private limited company. This enterprise registered office was based in Cheshire on Weston Road, Crewe. The address post code is CW1 6BU. The company reg. no. for 2020log 4 Limited was 03270899. 2020log 4 Limited had been in business for 18 years until dissolution date on 2014-12-25. Previously 2020log 4 Limited switched the company registered name three times. Up to 2006-10-24 it used the registered name 4u. Later on it switched to the registered name Singlepoint (4u) which was used until 2006-10-24 then the currently used name was accepted.
In the following limited company, a variety of director's obligations had been fulfilled by Nicholas S., Meinie O. and Andrew W.. Within the group of these three managers, Andrew W. had been with the limited company for the longest time, having been a part of company's Management Board for 7 years.