2005 is the date that marks the start of Stationery Box (retail) Limited, a firm that is situated at Ryman House, Savoy Road in Crewe. This means it's been twenty years Stationery Box (retail) has prospered on the local market, as it was started on Wednesday 27th July 2005. The registered no. is 05520566 and the zip code is CW1 6NA. The company currently known as Stationery Box (retail) Limited was known as Mountrun Estates up till Friday 16th February 2007 when the name was replaced. This enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 99999 which means Dormant Company. The business most recent financial reports describe the period up to 31st March 2022 and the latest confirmation statement was submitted on 8th August 2023.
Given this particular enterprise's constant development, it became vital to choose more executives: Theodoros P. and Kypros K. who have been collaborating for twenty years to fulfil their statutory duties for the company. To provide support to the directors, this company has been utilizing the skills of Kirsten L. as a secretary for the last 7 years.