The business was situated in Kibworth Harcourt under the following Company Registration No.: 01711457. The firm was set up in 1983. The office of the firm was situated at 3-4 Nursery Court Kibworth Business Park. The area code for this location is LE8 0EX. This business was dissolved on 31st May 2022, meaning it had been active for thirty nine years. This company has a history in name changing. Up till now this firm had two other names. Up to 2016 this firm was prospering under the name of Fifield and before that its company name was Premier Percussion.
Regarding to this firm, a number of director's tasks up till now have been fulfilled by William S. and Nigel S.. As for these two people, Nigel S. had been with the firm the longest, having been one of the many members of officers' team for 25 years.