Lpc Medical (UK) came into being in 2001 as a company enlisted under no 04315433, located at LE8 0EX Kibworth at Unit 3 Nursery Court. This company has been in business for twenty four years and its last known state is active. Launched as Sallow Gesture, the company used the business name up till 2001-12-17, then it was replaced by Lpc Medical (UK) Limited. This company's declared SIC number is 21200 meaning Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations. 2022-09-30 is the last time the accounts were reported.
There is a team of six directors running this business at the current moment, namely Nazirali T., Shirazali D., Karim T. and 3 remaining, listed below who have been utilizing the directors duties since July 2015. To support the directors in their duties, the business has been using the skills of Ian W. as a secretary for the last twenty four years.