1975 marks the beginning of 01219603 Limited, a firm which was situated at Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp, Cornwall Court in 19 Cornwall Street. The company was founded on 1975-07-17. The registered no. was 01219603 and its zip code was B3 2DT. It had been on the British market for fourty seven years up until 2022-05-17. It has been on the market under three previous names. Its very first registered name, Simon Financial Services, was changed on 1995-01-18 to Simon-carves International. The current name is used since 2014, is 01219603 Limited.
The info we gathered about the following enterprise's MDs shows that the last three directors were: Neil P., Adrian K. and Timothy C. who were appointed to their positions on 2004-11-12, 2004-05-04 and 2003-09-30.