Future Telecom Limited may be gotten hold of in Kpmg, 2 Cornwall Street in Birmingham. The firm area code is B3 2DL. Future Telecom has been actively competing on the British market for 34 years. The firm reg. no. is 02643072. Created as Telecom Maintenance Services, this company used the business name until 1995, when it was changed to Future Telecom Limited. The enterprise's SIC code is 3220, that means Manufacture TV transmitters, telephony etc.. 2000-05-31 is the last time when the company accounts were filed.
This business owes its well established position on the market and unending development to two directors, specifically Nicholas N. and Terence H., who have been presiding over the company for twenty four years. Additionally, the director's efforts are often supported by a secretary - Terence H., who was officially appointed by this business on Monday 1st November 1999.