This company known as 00236319 was started on 11th January 1929 as a Private Limited Company. This enterprise's headquarters can be found at London. on Allied House,, 26,manchester Square,. Should you want to get in touch with the company by mail, the post code is W1A 2HU. The official registration number for 00236319 Limited is 00236319. It 's been ten years that 00236319 Limited is no longer identified under the business name Cooper Construction. This enterprise's SIC code is 7499 and their NACE code stands for Non-trading company. 00236319 Ltd released its account information for the financial year up to June 30, 1989. The most recent annual return was submitted on December 15, 1990.
This limited company owes its achievements and permanent improvement to a group of two directors, who are Frederick G. and Geoffrey L., who have been supervising it since 1990. What is more, the managing director's tasks are often helped with by a secretary - John N., who joined the limited company in December 1990.