This business is located in London under the following Company Registration No.: 00065130. The company was registered in the year 1900. The headquarters of this firm is situated at Menzies Corporate Resturcturing 17-19 Foley Street. The postal code for this location is W1W 6DW. This firm now known as 00065130 Limited, was earlier registered as Greenups. The transformation has taken place in November 21, 2014. This business's registered with SIC code 7499 : Non-trading company. 00065130 Ltd filed its account information for the period that ended on 1999-12-31. Its most recent annual return was released on 2001-06-08.
As mentioned in the company's executives list, since October 2000 there have been two directors: Allison P. and Jeffrey P.. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, this business has been utilizing the expertise of Allison P. as a secretary since October 2000.